Saving Lives by Preventing Births

Copyright 2019. Snip Tuck Inc. All rights reserved.

Clinic Day/Weekend Volunteers

Trapping team - Visit colonies to humanely trap and transport cats to clinic. This is typically done the day before a clinic. 

Front desk - perform intake, maintain patient records, and perform discharge. Microsoft experience is an incredible bonus but not required.

Licensed Veterinary Technicians and Veterinarians - We encourage anyone with veterinary licensing to apply for both volunteer and paid employment opportunities.

Surgery prep Shave and scrub patients for to prepare for surgery. Trim nails and clean ears while cats are sedated. 

Recovery - Monitor patients post-operatively. Check temperatures, administer pain meds, apply topical flea treatment. 

Laundry - Really! We need someone to keep laundry moving constantly.

Instrument sterilization - Our surgical instruments are scrubbed, organized in packages, and sterilized using an auto-clave. 

"Heavy lifting"  - Volunteers help load/unload cats from client vehicles, and move cats throughout the day. 

Cleaning crew - Our facility is fully sterilized after each clinic. Vacuuming, mopping, and other light cleaning are needed in the afternoon. 

*Clinic volunteers must be 16 or older. Ages 16 and 17 require signed parental consent. 

Non-Clinic Volunteers

Grant writer

Board member 

Fundraiser volunteers

Are you interested in volunteering with us?

Please complete the volunteer application.  ​​​​A partial list of volunteer opportunities can be found below the application.