Saving Lives by Preventing Births

Copyright 2019. Snip Tuck Inc. All rights reserved.

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Call us at 410-943-4050. 

WE DID IT! Over 10,000 cats spayed/neutered since 2008!

Career Opportunities

About Us

We're always looking for passionate, qualified candidates to fill the numerous positions that are  open at Snip Tuck Inc. 


Open positions:

  • Veterinarian
  • Licensed Vet Technician

Please contact us at 410-943-4050 or by email at

Snip Tuck, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit charitable organization with a mission to reduce the number of unwanted animals on the Delmarva Peninsula by providing a comprehensive spay and neuter program to its citizens at an affordable cost.  Our ultimate goal is to expand our services, opening a full-time, 5-day a week, 52-week a year clinic.  We help pets and feral/free roaming cats.